What Are Interactive Infographics?

Adam Shelton

Infographics are incredibly effective at explaining complex concepts, making them a highly engaging information source. When infographics are animated or made interactive, they become even more successful at driving home important messages and facts that captivate your audience. 

Squideo can create beautifully executed infographics with ultra-smooth transitions and a professionally simplistic design. Read on for our top tips on the benefits and uses of interactive infographics and find out how we can make the perfect content for your business. 

What are the Benefits of Interactive Infographics?

93 percent of marketers say that interactive content is more effective for educating buyers, and 81 percent say it is more attention grabbing than static content. This is because interactive content generates twice as many conversions as passive content and is effective at differentiating a brand from its competitors. 

There are many forms for interactive content, from shoppable videos to online quizzes, but interactive infographics also have their advantages. 85 percent of business to business (B2B) marketers were already using or planned to use interactive infographics as part of their marketing strategy in 2022. 

Whether its interactive or animated, these infographics capture audience engagement, educate and are more likely to be shared – extending the reach of your content. 

What are Interactive Infographics Used For?

There are no limits on the uses of interactive infographics, instead Squideo has taken six fantastic examples of interactive infographics used by a range of organisations to convey important information through this fun and entertaining format. 

1. World’s Biggest Data Breaches and Hacks, Information is Beautiful (2021)

This infographic lives up to the name of its producer – Information is Beautiful. With a lot of data to explore on this vast subject, a traditional report or static infographic would be incredibly long and run the risk of alienating readers. This interactive infographic takes up a lot less space, without detracting from the enormity of the subject matter. Circles are used to show the scale of the issue of data breaches and hacks, each one interactive with weblinks connecting the circle to relevant data sources about the breach or hack. 

2. Lit in Colour, Penguin (2020)

Penguin, the book publisher, produced a report in 2020 about ethnic minority representation in literature. Produced mainly for educators and government officials to challenge curriculum reading lists, the report managed to find a wider audience by creating this accompanying infographic. The biggest findings of the reports are distilled into eye opening statistics with bold colours and cartoonish animation helping maintain its audiences’ attention. 

3. Gay Rights in the US State by State, The Guardian (2015)

The United States of America is a big country with a complex set of legislation given the devolved powers states hold separately from the national government. To find out the rights available to gay people in each of the fifty states could take a long time, but this interactive infographic by The Guardian simplifies the situation in an instant. Easily divided by geographic area, it’s quick to find the state you want and see from a glance how state rights affect access to marriage, employment and adoption. 

4. Refugee Migration from 1975-2021, The Refugee Project (2021)

This interactive infographic takes the form of a global map, which visitors can click on to find out how many refugees come from or to each country across the past 50 years, distilling massive amounts of data taken from UNHRC which could take a researcher or casual viewer years to process. Clicking on the countries gives preliminary facts with an option to dive deeper into the infographic for more detailed information. 

5. Top Dog Names by Breed, Visme (2018)

Not all interactive infographics are used for serious subjects, as this fun entry proves. Compiled by studying the records of five American cities, Visme put together this entertaining infographic which breaks down the most popular dog names for each breed. 

6. Home Working and Staying Healthy, Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (2020)

At the start of the pandemic, a lot of us had to adjust to home working and it took some getting used to! Thankfully the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors had our backs (literally) by producing this infographic explaining how to create a safe work station at home to reduce the risk of eye strain and poor posture. 

Get Started with Your Interactive Infographics

Watch our video below to get a better understanding of how we can create infographics, static or interactive, to suit your project brief. 

Interested? If you want to discuss how an infographic or one of our videos can benefit your business, get in touch with the Squideo team today!

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