Back to the Beginning with Callum Major

Callum Major

For this edition of Back to the Beginning, I talked with Callum Major – the person who keeps Squideo running! Squideo’s Production Manager has been with Squideo since 2017 and knows a lot about the company’s history. From focusing Focus music to vlog ideas, read on for a deep dive behind the scenes. 

I’ll start with the question Hannah chose for you during her interview last week. If you could only listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

I would have to go with an obscure (?) song, “Hocus Pocus” by Focus. Unironically it makes me super focused. If I ever have a lot on my plate (which is a lot of the time), I put this song on and it instantly gets me in the zone! It also was used in one of my favourite films (Baby Driver) for a really cool action scene! 

When I spoke to Hannah, she said you met while studying a Graphic Design and Illustration course at college. When did you become interested in the subject and did you know you wanted a job in this industry?

I always loved art at school, even though I cannot draw to save my life! When it came to thinking about a career, some form of art just made sense as it’s what I enjoyed most. I wasn't picky, as long as it was in the industry. I tried a few different projects independently before landing the job at Squideo. 

You’ve been at Squideo for five years (although when you first started it was still called Fifty Squid)! Did you do anything to celebrate the milestone? And what has kept you on the squad all these years?

[Laughs] I'm still waiting on the plaque; it must have got lost in the post? I kid, I love the people here. I have met some great people past and present, and as you mentioned, even work with some of my friends! It’s a good atmosphere to work in which I think is really important. 

The company went remote in 2020. What do you like about Squideo going remote? And is there anything you miss about the old offices?

I miss the old office! Remote working has a few benefits, but I definitely miss seeing the team every day and having a laugh. Although I usually work at Ben's once a week.

I asked Ben about the old offices and the fish: Ink and Squidge. I want to believe him when he says only one of them crossed the rainbow bridge. Can you verify his story?

Sadly, Ink met his untimely end on my birthday. It really killed the party vibe! As for Squidge, he went to live in another bowl, but we haven't had a postcard in a while. I hope he's still out there swimming! 

If we ever ended up in a physical office again, do you think another pet would be a good idea? Or are we setting ourselves up for heartbreak? A lot of the Squid Squad have their own pets already, maybe it would survive this time.

As the person who regularly cleaned out Squidge's tank, I can say an office pet probably isn't the best idea! Although if (hopefully) we end up back in an office, it'd be great if it was pet-friendly. I'll hopefully have a dog by then and I'll be sure to train it up so they can help with production. 

Squidge (goldfish).

Before becoming the Production Manager, you were a video producer for Squideo. Is there anything you miss from your old job?

Yes, I miss the creativity! The range of projects here means that no day is the same. You can use a range of styles and techniques on all the different videos. I would turn up, put my headphones on, and the day would fly by! I do enjoy looking over the producers work now though; we have developed a lot over the years.

What is one of your favourite projects that you’ve worked on at Squideo?

There's been so many! One that comes to mind is a video we did quite a while back for Network Rail, as it was a big collaborative effort. My favourite independent project would have to be Crunch. Really bright colours, cool assets, and creative freedom. A producer’s dream!

You manage the production timeline for everyone on the team, schedule the meetings and keep us on track. Which Squid Squad member is your star pupil and who’s the rebel?

[Laughs] I can't answer that! All of our producers are star pupils and give it their all. Instead, here’s a summary: Adam’s been here the longest with me, and is like my Padawan. Hannah joined at a very busy period and adapted almost instantly like I knew she would. Lesley joined after we began working from home and hardly needed any training (she should actually be teaching me at this point). Then, Sarah is our newest producer, who does a great job picking up new skills.

In terms of rebels, we don't currently have one, although there have been one or two in the past... [laughs].

We’ve been able to stay in touch as a team really well since going remote, through regular meetings and occasional staff outings. Last time was a trip to the bowling alley; where do you want to go next?

I have heard rumbles of Amsterdam for 5 years now. It needs to happen; I have a vision of editing a really cool Amsterdam trip vlog that needs to become a reality!

Like you say, Ben wants to take a ferry to Amsterdam one Christmas. Hannah also wouldn’t say no to Disney World (I suspect she’d love it). If money was no object, which international destination would you pick for a Squid Squad holiday? Don’t choose Amsterdam – we’ve already had Amsterdam [laughs].

A trip to Australia would be amazing, although I don't think I could put up with Ben's on-the-spot made-up songs for a full plane trip. Especially a flight that long. If money is really no object in this scenario, I'll fly there in my own jet! 

The next interviewee for the Back to the Beginning series is Video Producer Sarah Irwin. According to Hannah, the three of you were at college together, so can you think of a good question to ask?

Sarah's a great artist, and she loves tattoos, so my question would have to be what tattoo is she getting next – if any? And would she ever design a cool Squideo-themed tattoo? I hear Adam is wanting to get some ink…

Check out our next post to hear from Squideo’s newest Video Producer, Sarah Irwin.

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